2019-2020 exec
Meet the people on the 2019-2020 Exec! They worked hard to make a positive impact on our community and we're so proud and grateful for them!!

Jasmin Kaur
Founder & Director
Coming from a background where I've had no support in applying to higher education, I have first hand experienced the struggles of gaining a place in your desired University. This issue only seems to be made worse by outreach programmes that cherry-pick their students.
This inequality in education system has bothered me for many years and I decided that it was time to stop waiting for someone else to solve this problem do something myself- the answer UniAssist.

Krupa Pandya
Hi, my name is Krupa Pandya and my role is the of Secretary of UniAssist. From my personal experience, a little advice and help goes a long way when making big life decisions such as applications to higher education. Being a volunteer allows me to work towards making positive changes in students' lives. This is why I decided to join UniAssist

Shirly Vijayakumar
Hi my name is Shirly and I'm the secretary for UniAssist and part of this amazing team.Â
I've always loved advising and sharing my experiences on education to others and being part of UniAssist allows me to share this on a much bigger scale! Especially to those who are unable to receive the necessary guidance and support they deserve!Â
From personal experience, I know the large impact even a simple piece of advice can make to your education and being part of UniAssist allows me to be part of something that can make a large impact to everyone equally. I believe everyone deserves equal support and guidance they need, regardless of their circumstances and that's what UniAssist stands for

Sakina Zaidi
Events Manager
I joined UniAssist because I believe that helping one another creates a strong community and so helping others to build a future will create a powerful community.

Ifeoluwa Ifekoya
Internal Communications Officer
I joined UniAssist to help build something that would make it easier for students to get where they want to be. I have always thought that everyone, who wants to get into higher education, should have the chance to do so.
University also is not the only way to achieve career aspirations and UniAssist accommodates for those who would prefer an apprenticeship or similar program. Students are supported to make the choices right for them.

Robynn Wisz
Evaluation Officer
I joined UniAssist because I was shocked to learn about the proportion of students going to university from low income backgrounds compared to students from private schools.
I believe that every student deserves the best chance of getting into university, and shouldn’t be put off apply by lack of knowledge or advice. The founding of UniAssist aims to tackle this barrier of unfamiliarity and will really help current sixth form students in their progression to higher education.

Naiomi Bunbury
Volunteer Coordinator
UniAssist is a project that I am extremely proud and fortunate to be part of. Students from all walks of life need to be supported more when stepping into the unfamiliar world of UCAS to improve their chances of being able to achieve what they want to acheive in life. That needs to start happening now and not on results day.
Using the idea of one generation empowering the next is a genius way to tackle this issue. Utilise the experience you have to help others. I strongly believe that students know students best. I look forward to working with our mentors and together we can make this scheme a success.

Megha Bawa
Marketing Manager
I decided to join UniAssist because as a first generation student myself, I really think that we can help support students in similar situations to get to university.
To bring people together under a student led scheme to help better educational advances for future generations is such a compelling and inspiration cause, I’m so lucky to be a part of it and I hope those joining us will feel the same too.
Advice and assurance go a long way, and background should never define opportunities available to students, this scheme is designed to change that stigma, and I am proud to stand behind it.

Charlie Austin
I was personally saddened to see and hear many people I know express that they would not be going to University due to difficulties applying or financing. I feel that the possibility of university should be available to all.
I hope that through UniAssist we can provide those who need it most with the help they need to apply to University should they wish to.

Aditi Singhania
Publicity Officer
I hope I can reach out through this platform and help develop the organisation further. I am aware of the troubles one has to go through while applying to university especially if you’re from a non-traditional background. I support the cause UniAssist is working for, and am very excited to be a part of the team.

James Thompson
Shadow Director
As a first-generation university student who has applied to many competitive outreach and social mobility programmes, it is exceedingly difficult to have opportunity dangled in front of you, and then told time and time again you are not capable enough. Supporting a cause which furthers academic achievement whilst not unfairly favouring those who have already achieved is something I feel privileged to stand behind. I hope that the difference I make goes on to leave a legacy where there is less of a barrier to education and any goals a young person may have.

Xena Dyball
Design & Resources
I was involved with UniAssist previously as a mentor, but this year I decided to join the exec to help develop the organisation further. Having come from non-traditional background myself, I completely understand the struggles of applying to university, which is why I fully support the work of UniAssist and am excited to be part of the team